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Singing at Wayside Chapel

In September 2019, the Sydney Threshold Choir were thrilled to be invited to sing as part of the Wayside Chapel – King’s Cross Twilight Program, which delivers a structured activities program and manages a drop in space to support the needs of people in the neighbourhood in the early evening. From 5pm-10:30pm the Twilight Team runs activities from bingo to drama to pamper sessions to engage people at a time of day that can be lonely for people sleeping rough and people with a limited network of friends and family.

With Doreen Conte leading us, we raised our voices in harmonious, soft, healing singing of So Many Angels, Wishing each other Grace in This Moment, who Healing Water can be and encouraging all of us to Lean In. Home is Where the Heart is was especially resonant for many at Wayside who live on the streets.

Halfway through our 30 minutes slot, there was not a sound, except us singing our gentle songs. I have been to Wayside many times and generally it is a loud place, but in that moment, all was quiet. One of our choir members connected so beautifully with a young man in the front

who was just beaming from ear to ear, eyes moist with emotion – she sang straight into his heart.

How perfect that there we were, the Sydney Threshold Choir, singing at the Wayside Chapel for people from all walks of life at all sorts of thresholds of life. It is good to be reminded that song can reach each heart, no matter how sore, broken or lonely.

Lyle Steffensen, choir member since Jan 2019


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